• Breaking Down the 2024 Chargeback Field Report, presented by Chargebacks911

    Wednesday, Jan 8, 2025

    Every merchant who processes card-not-present transactions experiences at least some chargebacks. Sellers, however, seldom see the scope of the problem beyond their own claims. Based on surveys commissioned by Chargebacks911®, the 2024 Chargeback Field Report is a critical view of how chargebacks are impacting merchants. 

    What are the learning objectives for this webinar?

    • The current state of chargebacks and the true costs merchants pay for illegitimate chargebacks; 
    • How new payment options are impacting fraud risk; 
    • Why friendly fraud is a bigger concern than criminal fraud for merchants; 
    • Ways merchants can safeguard their business and their customers; 
    • Preemptive and proactive fraud prevention tips for 2024. 

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